Remedies to Repair Sun Damaged Skin

Prevention isn’t always 100% foolproof, unfortunately, there is no way to stop the sun from emitting harmful UV rays from hurting your skin. With that being said, it’s crucial to utilize the natural remedies and effective treatments to repair your damaged skin.

1. Hydrating Facial

Our popular Hot Bath treatment is the perfect way to end the busy week. Awaken your skin with a refreshing and stimulating facial to restore the skin’s natural moisture balance and combat dull skin.

This treatment begins with a high-frequency electrical treatment specifically targeted to clear the pores of any impurities, Followed by our deep marine algae and hyaluronic acid-based products, ensuring the deepest level of moisture. This treatment that encourages a healing response deep within your body’s system. Reach ultimate relaxation after this treatment and leave feeling revitalized, ready to tackle anything that your upcoming week may bring you.

2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is the holy grail – it has been highly praised for its many uses and we’ll tell you why. It’s loaded with healthy fatty acids and vitamin E. The fatty acids moisturize the skin naturally and the vitamin E works as an organic antioxidant that aids in diminishing inflammation from UVA and UVB rays from the sun.

A little goes a long way, so use sparingly. You can store it at room temperature or in the fridge. It works great as a moisturizer on sun damaged skin. You will notice a difference in your overall tone and complexion soon after applying a small amount a few times a day.

3. Baking Soda for Your Body

Baking soda can be used to heal sun damaged skin by being applied to the outer layer of your skin. It can be used to break down threatening acids and proteins, and also lead it to balance back your pH levels. This solution can also help with the itching from sunburn and help lock in moisture.

4. Lemon

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade! Or use them as a solution for everything!

Lemon juice is a wonderful route for an organic remedy to sun damage on your skin, neck, and chest. The acidity in the lemons known as alpha-hydroxy pushes for cell production and nourishes the skin.

A little lemon juice on a cotton ball is just enough to stimulate all natural cell healing, production and regrowth. Gently swab the damaged areas and leave on the skin until dry for about half an hour. Wash with warm water to hydrate skin before applying moisturizer.

Disclaimer, when using lemons to skin back to health, watch out for irritation after initial use. DO NOT leave on further than 30 minutes, doing so can further damage to your already affected skin.

5. Vitamin C

The three benefits of this vitamin:

1. Rejuvenates skin by encouraging fresh, healthy cell regrowth

2. Tackles premature aging of the skin by preventing free radicals that can damage collagen

3. It discourages enzyme tyrosinase that plays a role in the formation of melanin that is guilty of producing dark spots.

Excess sun exposure increases free radicals that impede collagen production and accelerates aging. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that shields against the damage from ruining your skin. To prevent skin discoloration, reach for products such as lotions and serums that contain vitamin C. Consuming foods with vitamin C such as kale, kiwi, or oranges can help as well.

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