Gentlemen’s Facial

Tailored for a Man’s Specific

Skin Care Needs

Gentlemen’s Facial

Tailored for a Man’s Specific Skin Care Needs

Facial care for men is more important than you may think. And it isn’t just a woman’s issue, real men also do facials

At Le Caprice, we are passionate about men’s skin care.

Just like taking your skin to the gym, our experts use a combination of professional botanical treatments and results-driven homecare to help you achieve your skin goals.

With our state-of-the-art technology, experienced therapists and an in-depth skin analysis offering practical advice on how to continually improve your skin and maximize the outcome of your treatment.

This is a relaxing, soothing treatment for skin that may be irritated from shaving, the environment, or everyday stress. Deep pore cleansing, a light facial massage and, a mask will leave your skin with an even tone, smooth texture and feeling completely refreshed.

Clear Complexion

Ideal for men who like to look and feel their best, the experience ends with a relaxing head, neck and shoulder massage, as well as skincare advice on how to prevent razor burn and inflammation due to skin sensitivity.

You'll Get a Smoother Shave

Whether it’s everyday or every two weeks, the continuous dragging of a razor across sensitive facial skin can cause irritation. Razor burn, inflammation, and irritation from shaving over pimples are common consequences of shaving.

Reduce Skin Damage

Skin damage from your shave routine or the sun can’t be fixed with the soap and water you use every day. Redness fades, but the underlying problems don’t. In fact, probably more than the ladies, guys need facials, thanks to their coarser skin, larger pores, and an increased chance of sun damage.

What results can I expect to see?

Facials for men are specifically formulated to male needs, which are often shaving-related, such as razor burn, or other conditions like skin sensitivity and dullness. There are also men’s facials that target skin roughened by spending time in the great outdoors and ones that are tailored to acne, excessive sweating, living in a city, and skin conditions related to aging.

When can I expect to see results from my Gentelmen's Facial

Facials for men are specifically formulated to male needs, which are often shaving-related, such as razor burn, or other conditions like skin sensitivity and dullness.

There are also men’s facials that target skin roughened by spending time in the great outdoors and ones that are tailored to acne, excessive sweating, living in a city, and skin conditions related to aging.